I just optimized some images on a site that seems to have cloudflare associated with it (because when I Purge the W3 Cache, it connect to cloudflare and says that it could take 48 hours)
So in the dashboard there are a few things happening
After the compression - I purge all cache, and then go to the media library to look at the image. The I grab the image url eg: http://sherecovers.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/IMG_2805-2.jpg - and it still show the original size image (pixe and file size)
but then If I SHIFT + REFRESH that image in the browser, it shows the reduced size (1600px, smaller file size)
so I did some cross-checking...
and here is what I found happening
In the ImageRecycle list - an image shows 93% reduced by the plugin (see screenshot #1),
When I view that image in the browser it is reduced as expected (pixel dimension reduced to 1600px, which is what I set) (see screenshot #2),
But when I view the image in the Media Library - it shows the old pixel width (see screenshot #3).
Has anyone else encountered anything like this problem?