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  • What do we do about this? ImageRecycle automatic optimization has been disabled due to too many consecutive errors, please check your account https://www.imagerecycle.com/my-account/api-and-quota
  1. lamontgolfiere
  2. WordPress extension question
  3. Thursday, 13 October 2022
Hi to the team !
You make a great job : image compression and quality are top.

I bought a licence and I deployed the extension on a wordpress website, Lettre Motiv' https://www.lettre-motiv.com/ and it works very well exept the option "Optimize all" images.

The process seems lanching but at the end a the day nothing is optimised.

Do you have any recomandation in order to lauch properly the bulk "Optimize all" images process ?
Hosting parameter like no nginx or something else ?

I only can optimize by a liste of 30 images.

Many thanks !
Responses (3)
Accepted AnswerPending Moderation
Cannot edit my message in order to delete the double link.
Could you edit ?

Many thanks again !
  1. more than a month ago
  2. WordPress extension question
  3. # 1
Accepted AnswerPending Moderation

OK I see, I think that is a conflict with a 3rd party extension. Could you use the support ticket, so we can check that in private on your website?
Please use the menu My account > ticket support.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. WordPress extension question
  3. # 2
Accepted AnswerPending Moderation
Hi Tristan,

Many thanks for your repply !

I will test this week on an another environement, the bulk optimize all images. If that doesn't work I'll open a ticket ;)

Many thanks again !
  1. more than a month ago
  2. WordPress extension question
  3. # 3
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