1. yoyo345
  2. General question
  3. Friday, 20 May 2016
I've just joined the free trial and am trying to optimise all my images in the media library file of my site and each time I do I have a message to enable the setting, which I then do and seems to do something for a few seconds before the message comes back - I've enabled over and over and it just keeps going back to disable after a few seconds - do I need to upgrade from the free trial for the amount of images I have to optimise?
Responses (1)
Accepted AnswerPending Moderation

It could be a limitation of your hosting provider.
As ImageRecycle make a lot of traffic to our API in order to optimize the images, some hosters block the traffic from/to our server.
Depending on the host , it is for security or performances purposes.

You can create a ticket in our dedicated support page we'll be able to check it.
You can also directly ask to your hoster if their applying any rule that would block the connection to our domaine imagerecycle.com

Best regards.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General question
  3. # 1
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